Saturday, July 14, 2007

Who Makes the Money?

Everywhere you look people are trying to find ways to create cashflow through use of the Internet. There are many way in which to do that but how many of them can be trusted? So Lets talk about money.

It is hard to know if the Internet money program you are looking at is real and honest or if it is just another of the many scams and ripoffs that flood our everyday searches.

Each day our email box is cluttered with many opportunities to join someone in the quest for financial independence. Most of them are nothing more than a way to lose your money.

I can't count the times I have fallen victim to the smooth talking author of some scam in my email. I have lost a lot of my dollars to my own stupidity. I failed to search and research the program I felt was my ticket to riches.

That old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" is very much true and it is a good thing to think about the next time you find yourself looking at your next get rich quick deal.

When you look at your email and see all those interesting offers for extra money ask yourself just who makes the money. Are you going to make it or is the plan setup to make money for the author of the email?

If you are asked to send in a HUGE pile of your cash then you can almost bet that you wont be the one making the money.

There are some good offers that mean what they say and are setup to benefit both sides. You just need to know where to find them.

I discuss these points more in my website. You can check it out and find some good and some bad ideas. There is nothing on my site that cost a single penny. It is all free. Check it out.

Icame across a program which I feel is definately worth a look. In fact, I did more than look. I joined and now I am generation an income from it. I'll add a link here if you are interested in taking a look.

Here is what a few people who have already looked have to say.


From Kickstart Today

My friend Harvey Segal has come up with a viral ebook that has so many new ideas and twists in it that it is just bound to take the Internet by storm.

It is called 'The Ultimate Supertip' and it is not just an explanation of one of the most powerful principles of Internet marketing, but also a fully working practical demonstration!

You can have this book for free - you don't even have to give Harvey your email address - and then immediately give it away to your friends, subscribers, website visitors, maiden aunts, long-lost cousins, and the really clever neat tricks that Harvey has built into it will start to make you money right away.

But all that is the icing on the cake - download the book, READ it from cover to cover, and learn one of the most powerful secrets of Internet marketing at the feet of the master.

And if you suspect I might be guilty of over-hyping (I'm not), read it anyway and tell me what you think.

Do it right now before you forget - this could be the most important lesson you'll learn today.

Martin Avis


Harvey, You have done it again.

Every marketer in the world needs to download this Free E-Book. The tips in here are absolutely Amazing. If you can't make money from this E-Book you might as well be cooking hamburgers.

Great job.

Charles Kenney.


Thanks for your superfast support!

This makes clear you're a true entrepreneur and you are for real! From now on you are on my favorite list!

Tom Lassing


Oh, I almost forgot. Here is that link. Super Tips book

Check it out and join me and the many others who are making a difference in their cashflow.